Are Colonoscopies Still The Best Test For Colon Cancer Screening? A Review Of A Recent NEJM Article

I know it's been a while since I posted a video, and today I am going to post 2! There is a recently published New England Journal of Medicine article (see below for citation and link) that has ignited a bit of media attention. In the article, the authors looked at colonoscopy as screening for colon cancer, and concluded that it does not reduce risk of colon cancer by much. But is that the correct conclusion? We have much more data which asserts colonoscopy's claim and the top dog of colon cancer screening. In the first (short) version of the video, I discuss my thoughts and interpretations of the data, and in the second (long) version, I do a bit of a deep dive into how the studies are designed and published, and how that opens the study itself to interpretation and discussion.
Spoiler Alert: You should still schedule your screening colonoscopy at Age 45 as recommended by the US Preventive Services Taskforce, or even sooner if you have any personal or family history!!!
Version 1 / Short Version:
Version 2 / Detailed Version
You can find the original study at this link: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
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